Spring is in the air!

Spring is in the air!

 With the warming temperatures and the snow line starting to recede here in the Colorado Rockies, elk and deer are starting their annual migration back into the high country from their wintering areas in the valleys. This also signals the time when the bulls and bucks start to drop their antlers in order to start growing a new and larger set. "Shed hunters" also take part in this annual event and log countless miles hiking through the sage flats, forests and mountains searching for these freshly dropped antlers. This is where a quality antler chew starts from...hand picked by these "shed hunters" and ultimatley sold to antler dog chew companies like myself. Since I live and run my business right where the elk and deer are located, I have the opportunity to choose only the top grade antlers for my dog chews. I also have access to fresh antlers year round in order to provide my customers (and their pups) with the best quality antler dog chews around. I invite you to compare my antler chews with what is commercially available in pet stores or online. Both you and your dogs will notice the difference immediately. 


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